March 2014
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Month March 2014

Cassiel + Nina Kov: Video

This just in: a video of the Cassiel + Nina Kov gig at the ICT & Art Connect event last month.

I apologise to all AV artists everywhere for letting the side down by accidentally nudging the mouse pointer onto the canvas a few times. In my defence, this was a complicated gig (improvised sound plus visuals plus dance) with minimal setup time, testing, tuning or rehearsal (in fact, in terms of Nina’s performance, no rehearsals at all – we just went on and played). I’ll remember the connect-desktops-by-corner trick next time.

Field in Frankfurt


We’re presenting Field at the Node Forum in Frankfurt on April 24th. As a very brief warm-up, we’re also doing a 10-minute show-and-tell at the Live Code Research Network event tomorrow.

IJAD: In-Finite Space


This Wednesday we’re performing algorithmic visuals for IJAD Dance‘s showing of In-Finite Space as part of the AHRC Creative Economy showcase. Twitter messages are geometrically formatted in 3D and cast into a retro-aesthetic graphical fly-through sequence to be interpreted by the dancers. Technology: Field, hybrid Python/Clojure mix.

(Edited, 2014-03-15: clearer splash image.)