Tag ICT & Art Connect

Hacking Choreography 2.0


Kate Sicchio and I were recently awarded a European ICT & Art Connect residency to develop ideas involving the combination of choreographic technique with software structuring: how does “thinking in code” influence “thinking in dance”? The result incorporates a Neville Brody-inspired animation system which transforms time-based Clojure DSL data structures into geometric textual designs projected onto the dance floor (and, sporadically, onto our dancer, Tara Baker). We are showing the performance work at FoAM in Brussels on Sunday, and presenting at the European Parliament on Monday.

(Photo credit: Dann Emmons.)

Cassiel + Nina Kov: Video

This just in: a video of the Cassiel + Nina Kov gig at the ICT & Art Connect event last month.

I apologise to all AV artists everywhere for letting the side down by accidentally nudging the mouse pointer onto the canvas a few times. In my defence, this was a complicated gig (improvised sound plus visuals plus dance) with minimal setup time, testing, tuning or rehearsal (in fact, in terms of Nina’s performance, no rehearsals at all – we just went on and played). I’ll remember the connect-desktops-by-corner trick next time.

Cassiel + Nina Kov, ICT & Art Connect


In the Short Notice Department (again): I have a gig with choreographer / dancer Nina Kov at ICT & Art Connect this weekend. This is a short but completely new piece, and the paint is still a little wet on the software and control system. We’re using the usual technology mix: the animation system is built in Clojure and Field, and driven from Ableton Live via Max for Live. The live soundtrack is pretty much exclusively constructed from instruments and effects by Audio Damage. For music technology geeks, there will also be a rather rare piece of controller hardware on display.