Tag body>data>space

Networked Bodies, Watermans


On November 8th I’m doing visuals and sound for two unrelated dance performances: Hacking Choreography 2.0 (with Kate Sicchio and Tara Baker) and Ring the Changes+ (with Chisato Minamimura and body>data>space), both as part of the Networked Bodies weekend at Watermans. Hacking was shown earlier this year in Brussels as a project supported by ICT & Art Connect; Changes was premiered at the Southbank Centre in September. The software platforms are completely different (Field vs. Quil – although both performances are Clojure-based), as are the projector rigs, so the setup/rehearsal schedule and changeover are going to be interesting. To add a bit more excitement, Kate and I will be simultaneously live-coding the same running system for Hacking during the performance (me on-stage, Kate NREPL’d in from New York).

Tickets available (for the performances, and for other events in the Networked Bodies weekend) here.

(Photos: Dann Emmons (L), Roswitha Chesher (R).)

Ringing the Changes


We’re happy to announce the commission of Chisato Minamimura‘s project Ring the Changes+, produced by body>data>space, which will be showing at the Unlimited Festival at the Southbank on September 5th. We worked on sound processing, algorithmic visual design and projection for an earlier residency at Watermans last year, and will start work on this phase soon.

Tickets are available here.